A Positive and Productive Quarantine Morning Routine

A Positive and Productive Quarantine Morning Routine

WRITTEN BY: Zainab Muili

Apr 26 2021

For many of us, our morning routine currently consists of hitting the snooze button four…maybe five times, staying in bed all day, periodically checking our email (just in case our boss sent us one) and scrolling through Instagram, Tiktok, and Twitter. With no real aim or structure, our entire day gets away from us and we never really feel productive.

Although we’re indoors, establishing a great morning routine can help set the right tone, allowing us to have more control over our days.

Here are 6 simple activities we can all add to our morning routine, to break that sluggish cycle:


1. As soon as you wake up, drink some water

Drinking water first thing in the morning wakes up your system, flushes out toxins, and boosts your metabolism! Try to drink at least 2 glasses (500 ml) to get you going for the day.


2. Spend some time reading or journaling

Journaling is a great way to keep your thoughts organised and inspire creativity. Whether it’s writing down your dreams, your frustrations, or a simple to-do list, use this time to pour out your thoughts onto paper and relieve your mind of the burden. Once your mind is clear reading a book or an article in the morning is a great way to warm up your brain for a productive day ahead. 


3. Expose yourself to sunlight

Besides the fact that sunlight gives us vitamin D, the right amount can actually improve our mood! Exposure to sunlight can help increase the brain's release of serotonin, the hormone responsible for boosting moods and helping you feel calm and focused. 


4. Get a morning workout in

Not only is working out amazing for your physical health, but it’s also great for your mental health. Try to get in at least 10-30 minutes of exercise. It’s best to get it done in the morning so you won’t have the opportunity to psyche yourself out of it later! Do an at-home yoga routine, some form of cardio, weight training, or just stretch. Whatever it is, just get your body moving! 


5. Have a healthy and energising breakfast

Fruits and vegetables are refreshing and packed with rich vitamins and antioxidants that feed your brain! Make sure to include them in your breakfast.


6. Start your day!

Now it is officially time to start your day! Get in your zone and stay focused. Work on a project, complete some assignments, plan a business, do research on something you’ve always been interested in! Whatever it is, make sure you are getting your tasks for the day done.


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